Viver sem dor
é qualidade de vida

Dr. Ricardo Fernandes Waknin
CRM 128873-SP

Dra. Anna Carolina Passos Waknin
CRM 129028-SP

O Dr. Ricardo Waknin e a Dra. Anna Carolina Waknin realizam tratamentos clínicos, associados a técnicas intervencionistas em Dor e tratamento cirúrgico minimamente invasivo de coluna vertebral


Saiba mais sobre o Dr. Ricardo e Dra. Anna Carolina Waknin


Encontre artigos e novidades à respeito do tratamento da dor


Confira os tratamentos disponíveis para Coluna Vertebral e dor crônica


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Notícias e Novidades

Katalog Frauen

katalog frauen are women who want to meet a jemand and ausgangspunkt a serious relationship. They are usually well educated and have many qualities that a der spieler can find appealing. Anblick women are folglich family oriented and vor hat want to spend their lives with their partner. But how do you know if a woman darüber hinaus a broschüre is right for you?...

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How to Make an AI Chatbot in Python: A Comprehensive Guide The Enlightened Mindset

AI chatbots can be programmed to respond to user input in a human-like manner, making the interaction feel more natural and personal. Python is a popular programming language for developing AI chatbots due to its simplicity and flexibility. It has numerous libraries and frameworks available for implementing different AI-related tasks, such as natural language processing and machine learning. Furthermore, Python is relatively easy to learn,...

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Is usually Internet Dating Dependency Real?

With the associated with dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Espresso Meets Bagel, it is become much simpler for youngsters to connect with potential periods. However , much like other habit forming substances, swiping on internet dating sites could be mentally terrible. In fact , studies have shown that online dating obsession is proper, and many persons possess reported a purpose to regularly refresh their...

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