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Dr. Ricardo Fernandes Waknin
CRM 128873-SP

Dra. Anna Carolina Passos Waknin
CRM 129028-SP

O Dr. Ricardo Waknin e a Dra. Anna Carolina Waknin realizam tratamentos clínicos, associados a técnicas intervencionistas em Dor e tratamento cirúrgico minimamente invasivo de coluna vertebral


Saiba mais sobre o Dr. Ricardo e Dra. Anna Carolina Waknin


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Confira os tratamentos disponíveis para Coluna Vertebral e dor crônica


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Notícias e Novidades

The Low Down on math websites Exposed

As with computer science and other areas of examine, taking programs online offers you a versatile choice to develop the skills you want whereas persevering with to work, examine, or increase a family. Online versions of programs are also usually considerably inexpensive than on-campus counterparts, even in cases where the course materials is equivalent. Learn fourth grade math aligned to the Eureka Math/EngageNY curriculum—arithmetic, measurement,...

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Assess Bitdefender and Avast

Bitdefender is among the most affordable antivirus security software programs out there. It has a effective malware engine with excellent scores by MRG-Effitas while offering a wide range of other stuff. Its useful apps are super easy to use, even though lack valuable parental controls and username and password management tools. Avast is additionally very easy to work with, but the enterprise will bother...

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Choosing an Event Operations Company

An event managing enterprise helps to take those stress out of planning a special day by choosing all facets of an event from start to finish. They can assist with everything from sourcing and managing event staff, to providing design hire solutions that will address the theme of the event. Additionally, More Info they can also aid in arranging popular attractions and catering. Aside from...

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